• STAND OIL BLUE ELEPHANT SALE | Free Shipping > RM 180 (WM)
  • MARDI MERECREDI SPRING SALE | Free Shipping > RM 180 (WM)
  • FENNEC SALE UNTIL 22/3 | Free Shipping > RM 180 (WM)

FAQ 快问快答


♡ Are your products authentic 你的产品是否正品

Yes all products in our store are 100% authentic and shipped directly from Korea 

我们全部产品 100% 原装正品 一律都是韩国直邮

♡ Are your products ready stock 你的产品是否现货

Most of the products in our store are ready stock. Unless the products are remarked as "pre-order" 

大多数产品都是现货 预购产品会备注 ”pre-order“


♡ How long does pre-order take 预购等大约多久

Pre-orders can take about 2 - 4 weeks to be arrived. When your pre-order product arrives, we will inform you and ship the product within 2 days. 

预购需要等大约 2 - 4 个星期 当预购的产品到货 我们会通知你并且在两天内安排寄出

♡ If my order consists of both ready stock & pre-order item, how does shipping work for these 如果我的订单同时订购现货 & 预购产品 邮寄方面如何处理?

Your order will ship when the pre-order item becomes available. 

If you'd like to receive your ready stock items first, do WhatsApp or IG message us to arrange.

A separate postage fee will be incurred and the postage charges are to be borne by customers.


如果想先收到现货产品 可以 WhatsApp 或者 IG 联系并且另外支付邮费


♡ What courier service are you using 目前使用哪一家快递公司

We provide shipping service by using either PGEON / Poslaju 

我们目前使用 PGEON/ Poslaju 快递公司

♡ How much is the shipping fees 通常收多少邮费

We charge flat rate RM 8 per parcel for WM and RM 18 per parcel for EM. 

西马邮费一律 RM 8 东马邮费则是 RM 18

♡ Do you provide free shipping 是否提供免邮服务

Yes we provide free shipping for order exceeds RM 180 ( WM ) / RM 280 ( EM ) 

我们有提供免邮服务 订单满 RM 180(西马)或 RM 280  (东马)即可享受免邮

♡ When will I receive my parcels 几时会收到包裹

Usually it takes 1 - 4 business days for WM and 7 - 10 business days for EM to receive the parcel. 

通常西马顾客会在 1 - 4 工作日收到包裹 东马顾客则是 7 - 10 工作日收到包裹

♡ Do you provide self pick up service 是否提供面交服务 

Yes. We do provide self pickup at Bandar Sungai Long (Selangor)

You may click “self pickup” during checkout phase.

Once payment is made, you can WhatsApp or IG message us for confirmation of pick up time. 

我们有提供免交服务在雪兰莪 Bandar Sungai Long  

你在结账时选择 " self pickup" 即可

汇款后请 WhatsApp 或 IG 联络我们并且确认自取时间。 


♡ What are the payment methods are accepted 目前接受什么支付方式 

We accept the following payment methods: 

- Billplz Internet Banking, manual ATM Transfer & TNG E-Wallet Payment


- Billplz 线上银行转账, 线下银行转账 & TNG 电子钱包 


♡ Do you allow refund or item exchange 是否接受退款或退货产品

The only condition we allow refund or item exchange is when you receive incorrect items from us. 

You may WhatsApp or IG message us to request the refund if items received are different from your order.


你可以 WhatsApp 或 IG 联系我们并且要求安排退款或退货产品

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